Explore breakthrough experiences
with Voss Coaching Co.
Join us for our enriching events led by renowned Performance Leader Arash Vossoughi. From complimentary meet-up events to exclusive business mastermind sessions, discover diverse opportunities tailored to disrupt comfort and create personal transformation.
September 23-25
Paradise Valley, AZ
World-class Wealth is an exclusive opportunity to step into the realm of the elite, to attain the mindset and strategies required to experience true world-class success. Over the course of 2.5 immersive days, we will dive deep into every area of your life, ensuring that you leave equipped with the tools and insights to excel beyond your wildest dreams.
OCT 21-25 | 12:00 PM EASTERN
Are you ready to finish the year stronger than ever and make 2024 your most successful year yet? What if I told you that achieving extraordinary success isn’t about working harder, but about aligning your mindset and actions with proven strategies—strategies that can turn your goals into reality faster than you ever thought possible?
November 18th & 19th, 2024 | Phoenix, Arizona
At Transform LIVE, you’ll go beyond merely gathering information and step into a realm of profound, life-changing transformation in any area of your life you desire.
Transform LIVE is your opportunity to transition from knowing to doing, from dreaming to achieving. This is where theory meets practice and ideas turn into reality.
watch this free webinar and never get stuck again
Live Virtual Events
Immerse yourself in five transformative days with Voss Coaching Co.’s live virtual events. We value your time, and during our LIVE events we make the most of that time by going beyond theory and into the mindset and processes designed to elevate your perspective and unlock new levels of possibility.
Pop Up Events
September 4
Multiply Your Results Meet-Up
Join us in Toronto for ‘Multiply Your Results’ with Arash Vossoughi. Gain actionable insights to boost your success!
One King West Hotel & Residence
1 King St W
Toronto, ON
9 AM – 1 PM
Find the event that is right for you!
Know you want MORE in life, but don’t know where to start? Click the button to schedule a call with one of our Specialists Coach who can guide you to YOUR ideal Voss Coaching Co event.
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