VOSS COACHING Testimonials


What Our Clients Are Saying


“The personal development processes and principles that I learned along the way really helped me and is still helping me succeed… My advice would be to those that are on the fence wondering to join the program would be to absolutely do it.”


“You can’t really put a price on unleashing your spirit into its full potential. Arash, thank you for calling me out, putting me on the spot… and giving me really, really good advice.”


“You meet amazing people in the same part of a journey that you are in… I would say do it! It’s one of the messages of being here – you have an idea, react, do it!”

Dr. Jenna

“Within three months of working with Voss, I hit a goal that I have never hit before…”


“I have managed to increase my income in five months… I am extremely grateful.”


“If you want to live a life of impact, create big things, and you want to be happy and fulfilled, you should definitely, without question, hire Voss Coaching. It has changed my life…”


“The course is absolutely superb.  I couldn’t recommend it enough… Just do it.  Find the moment.  Just do it…”


“I am pursuing the life I’ve dreamed of. It is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done… Arash and Voss Coaching gave me the confidence and tools to take that next step.”


“I would love to just thank Arash and the team for just reaching out to people.  You can just feel their energy, their passion… “


“He has been an amazing transformation teacher for me in terms of my mindset…”


“He really has conviction and knows what he is doing… He really cares about the people he works with and wants them to succeed.”


“The first goal I achieved with Arash was buying my dream home.  I don’t even know how I would have even achieved that…”


“… something changed in me that made me take action, it changed my self-image, it made me improve…”


“He helped me so much… I transitioned to being a CEO, now I lead a team of five people…”


“… they are so passionate about what they do and will do everything to bring you there. My biggest gain working with Voss Coaching is really my self-confidence and my self-image…”


“I’m at the point where I’m not just getting the intellectual head knowledge, but the heart knowledge of it…  I wouldn’t have thought on that level that there is more to me and more possibilities.  The sky is the limit….”


“How I act when no one is looking is probably my biggest takeaway… It was exactly what I was looking for”


“It took me a month and a half to
see the results that I had – that I hadn’t had in three years that I’ve been coaching, so that’s the power
of mentorship”

Duke Worley - Voss Coaching Co Client


“I’m so pleased with the outstanding results I’m experiencing in all areas of my life this year.

At only halfway through a year of studying in 2 courses with VossCoachingCo, I’ve definitely been seeing massive and amazing quantum leaps in all areas of my life with the Quantum Leap Coaching and World Class Coaching Programs.

The information in this course is amazingly valuable. It is very specific laws and rules that govern human behavior. We can be our own worst enemy, or we can use all the magnificent tools we are blessed with to create any type of life we choose and desire to live. Voss Coaching shows you exactly how to win.

Whether you’re just starting to study yourself and learning to achieve goals, or if you’ve been doing it for 15 years like me, you’ll gain massive benefits in these programs.
Arash, Mikey, and the entire team at Voss Coaching package this information together better than anyone I’ve ever seen or studied under. They show you exactly how to practice it, put in the repetitions, and see the results. They’re the best in the industry.

Do the steps and you’ll see the quantum leap and world class results!”

With great gratitude,
Duke Worley
Madrid, Spain


“I have been working with Arash for over 1 year now and all my businesses have skyrocketed ever since! I am a way better leader for my companies, my mindset is a lot stronger and I make quick decisions towards any goal I set! Working with him has allowed me to continue to stretch my thinking and go after what I truly want with great confidence. As a business owner and entrepreneur, your thinking and your standards are everything! I highly recommend Arash if you are looking to accomplish amazing things and tap into the person you need to be to achieve your goals!”

Dr. Stacey

“Arash Vossoughi, with his coaching, mentoring, insights, and all that he shares straight from his heart, has been life-changing for me.
Faith is the realization that all good is in instant manifestation. Learning how to come from within, with awareness, and employing assumption, and coming from a completely different perspective absolutely has changed my life and I am forever grateful.
Arash, thank you for being the life changer that you are for those who seek it. ”


“The decision I made to invest in myself with Voss Coaching Co has made the biggest impact on both in my business and in my personal life!
We have to do it by ourselves but we can’t do it alone. Power forward towards your goal with the best of the best. Arash Vossoughi and his team! It’s been the best investment I’ve made in myself with a limitless return!
Being mentored by Arash Vossoughi continues to be the best decision I’ve made for the growth of my business and my personal life!”


“If I could go back to the moment where things shifted for me personally and professionally, I would link it back to my coaching with Arash. I went from a corporate employee who was growing but still capped in my career and finances to taking the leap into entrepreneurship and building a 7 figure business. Some of the biggest things I learned were around self-talk, self-belief, setting standards for my life but probably the most important thing was understanding how to set goals. I can honestly say he tuned me into speaking the “language of success”, I did not get it at first but his coaching has now led me to become fluent in it.

It is one thing to hear his teachings but another thing to implement them. If you are not where you want to be, studying his teaching can change that all. I have gone on to not only build this business ,but win numerous awards including one of the TOP 100 CEO’s in all of Phoenix.

Arash is one of the most sincere and genuine people you will meet, he truly wants nothing more for you than to WIN! I am a prime example of someone whom through his teaching has done just that.”

Massive Breakthrough