Episode 27: Your Life Philosophy

Seven Figure Standard

Episode 27: Your Life Philosophy

Tune in today for another enriching conversation!

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About the Episode

Your philosophy is what builds your life. That is why the Quantum Leap Coaching Program begins with a focus on philosophy. During this episode, Arash unpacks some of his life philosophies to illustrate how your choice of philosophy determines your beliefs, standards, and the results you ultimately see. We touch on where our existing ideas about life originate from and explore how to change them, touching on the importance of understanding and studying yourself, and being selective about who you spend time with. Arash explains why he is committed to fully feeling his losses and provides a roadmap to embracing neutrality as you determine how you really want to live. We distinguish between applying standards to yourself, and putting pressure on yourself, and talk about what happens when you choose to work from the inside out, rather than allowing outside factors to dictate your reality.

Key Points From This Episode

  • The start of the Quantum Leap Coaching Program, which focuses on philosophy.
  • Arash defines a ‘life philosophy’ and how to determine yours.
  • The power of your life philosophy in determining your experiences.
  • Exploring the relationship between standard, philosophy, belief, and result.
  • Where a life philosophy originates from and how quickly it can change.
  • Why it’s so important to understand and study yourself.
  • How you are impacted by the philosophies of those around you.
  • Why it’s so important to fully feel your losses.
  • What it means to embrace neutrality.
  • Deciding how you really want to live.
  • The difference between putting standard on yourself and putting pressure on yourself.
  • What happens when you work from the outside in instead of the other way around.
  • This week’s action step: write down a vision between now and the end of the year.



MEET Arash

President and Co-Founder

Arash Vossoughi is the Co-Founder and President of Voss Coaching Co., a company committed to helping individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs break through barriers and achieve personal freedom.


MEET Mykie

CEO and Co-Founder

Mykie Stiller is the Co-founder and CEO of Voss Coaching Co, a company committed to helping individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs break through barriers and achieve personal freedom.

Standard Always Wins