Episode 67: How to Get Your Desired Results Faster

Seven Figure Standard

Episode 67: How to Get Your Desired Results Faster

Tune in to discover practical tips and insights that will help you achieve faster, more impactful results in your personal and professional life!

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About the Episode

Regardless of your objectives, setting goals is crucial for achieving success in any aspect of life. In today’s episode, we dive into a topic that resonates with just about everyone: accelerating your results! Join us as we explore powerful strategies to enhance your productivity and effectiveness, from cultivating a mindset of explosive thinking to developing a more intentional approach to success, detaching yourself from the outcome, fusing with your goal, and much more.

Key Points From This Episode

  • Two ways to speed up your results and how they work together.
  • Things you can control in your life (spoiler alert: your results aren’t one of them!)
  • What it looks like to surrender the outcome and be driven by instinct.
  • Steps to help you connect with your future self.
  • The power of reevaluating your belief system.
  • How your goals are the driving force that shapes your future self.
  • Your guide to fusing with your goal and developing imagination as a skillset.
  • A daily “mental rehearsal” practice to increase awareness and confidence.
  • Today’s action step: a seven-day plan for becoming the master of letting go.



MEET Arash

President and Co-Founder

Arash Vossoughi is the Co-Founder and President of Voss Coaching Co., a company committed to helping individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs break through barriers and achieve personal freedom.


MEET Mykie

CEO and Co-Founder

Mykie Stiller is the Co-founder and CEO of Voss Coaching Co, a company committed to helping individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs break through barriers and achieve personal freedom.