Episode 03: Thinking from the Inside Out

Seven Figure Standard

Episode 03: Thinking from the Inside Out

In this episode, Arash and Mykie talk about how, through tracking our behaviors, getting crystal clear on what success means to us, and committing to using our higher faculties (reason, will, imagination, intuition, memory, and perception) in a disciplined way, we can gain control over our thoughts and emotions and create the lives that we truly want to live!

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About the Episode

“I am not accepting any idea that is not in harmony with the way I want to live.” This is one of the foundational principles of inside-out (as opposed to outside-in) thinking. Your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings create your actions, and your actions create your results. In life, the only things we have control over are our thoughts, and in order to control our thoughts, we have to put our five senses in a lock box and send them away. Our senses are useful for enjoying life’s pleasures but when it comes to making decisions, they are our greatest enemies.

Key Points From This Episode

  • Why we shouldn’t always rely on our five senses.
  • The importance of self-belief.
  • The power of our thoughts.
  • How to make your mind stronger than your emotions.
  • Why discipline is the key to freedom.
  • Understanding that change doesn’t happen overnight.
  • The difference between our lower self and our higher self.
  • What our five senses should be used for.
  • How to get a better idea of your good and bad behaviors.
  • The two most powerful words in the English language.
  • What our higher faculties are and how we can use each of them to gain control over our emotions.
  • Reframing the way you think about success.
  • The importance of getting really clear on what you want out of life.
  • An overview of the action steps from this episode.



MEET Arash

President and Co-Founder

Arash Vossoughi is the Co-Founder and President of Voss Coaching Co., a company committed to helping individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs break through barriers and achieve personal freedom.


MEET Mykie

CEO and Co-Founder

Mykie Stiller is the Co-founder and CEO of Voss Coaching Co, a company committed to helping individuals, professionals and entrepreneurs break through barriers and achieve personal freedom.

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